We were preparing to go to California on Cammie's birthday and I didn't get any pictures to post for her 16th Birthday. Way to go mom! What she got for her birthday was her driver's license. I checked her out of school at lunch time and took her to the DMV to get her driver's license. Then we rushed over to Walmart and got her a phone. It didn't seem like her birthday was too exciting until we walked out of Walmart and she realized the phone we'd gotten had a camera. Then she really lit up. Happpy 16th Birthday Cammie. I love you.

Janna and Jeffrey have both had choir concerts in the last couple of weeks. I really enjoyed watching them perform. I feel very grateful that our children have had these great opportunities. The public school system takes a lot of flak from the public, but our teachers are really doing an amazing job with the limited resources and large class sizes that they deal with. We have amazing children in this community and I'm so glad we have lived here for the past 18 years.

Jeffrey's birthday dawned rainy, windy and cold. That didn't stop his lacrosse team from playing an amazing game. They beat Jordan 12-5. By the end of the game it was snowing. Jeffrey scored a great goal. Then we took him to JCW's for his birthday lunch. He is using his birthday money to get out of debt by paying us back for lacrosse. We pay for one of his sports a year and this year we'll be paying for football. That could get pricey since he'll be in 9th grade. I'm excited for Jeffrey to be ordained a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood tomorrow. I'm really proud of how seriously he takes his priesthood duties. He's becoming a great young man.

Happy birthday Jeffrey. I think it's awesome that he's playing lacrosse. I almost tried out at UVU back in the day but I worked when they practiced. I still haven't tried JCW's. I'll try it one of these days.
Your family has had a busy month! I don't know how you keep up with everything, but you are always on top of things. When I saw Jeffrey on the stand Sunday, I couldn't believe how handsome and grown up he looked. I wish I could just stop time and keep my kids from growing up. Time moves much too fast these days.
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