Sunday, March 28, 2010

Young Women's Conference

Our stake had amazing tickets to the YW conference last night. President Monson, President Uchdorf and President Eyring walked right by us about 30 feet away. It was amazing to be so close to God's prophet. I can't wait for conference next week to hear all their counsel from Heavenly Father. We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet. It was especially wonderful to be there with my three daughters all at the same time. Who knows when we'll be able to do something together like that again? Amberly starts college in the fall and life will change a lot after that. I hope when my daughters are adults they will be friends and enjoy getting together like I do with my sisters. Sisters are a gift from God.

1 comment:

Ashley Myntti said...

I can't wait for conference either! It is exactly the feel-good pick-me-up that I need! Miss ya!!!